
Red polo shirt $17.00
Royal blue fleece vest $22.00
Royal blue fleece jumper $26.00
Bucket hat $13.00
Girls navy shorts $14.00
Girls navy skorts $20.00
Boys navy shorts $17.00
Unisex navy pants $18.00
Royal blue raincoat $22.00

The 2025 uniform coordinator is Elisha Willing who can be contacted on 0401 454 292 to arrange a time to meet at school to try on or purchase uniforms. 


The uniform shop also has a large range of second-hand uniforms.


Everyone is welcome to take what they need, alternatively if you have uiforms you want to pass on, they are happy to take them off your hands.


The P & C are currently looking into new uniform options and pricing, so check back in for new offers soon.


All purchases can be made through Spriggy

© Copyright Condingup Primary School